Our Story

We believe that TimeStarvd has the opportunity to make the world a better place, by providing readers with products that enhance learning, understanding and joy!


We believe that an open approach is crucial to creating the cooperation and sense of community that are vital to establishing TimeStarvd as the gold standard in this new category. And crucial to growing the category as rapidly as possible.


We are committed to preserving the artistry and integrity of the original works which provide the foundation for TimeStarvd editions.  For without authors, illustrators, editors, programmers and other Content Creators, Content Optimizers and Content Enhancers, we would have no products.


Agents, publishers and other rights holders are crucial to our success.  These people and organizations form a critical link which has traditionally enabled Creators to earn a living from their craft. Individuals from each of these groups will have influence on the development and direction of TimeStarvd.


To honor this intention, we are growing an informal, all-volunteer Board of Advisors which currently includes leaders and experts in small business, marketing, publishing, printing and technology. We will be adding Creators and others as we grow. We are committed to making our products and the TimeStarvd experience as enjoyable and accessible as possible for everyone.

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